Social Media


Social media lets you join the conversation.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are now firmly established as places for companies to communicate with their customers. For years, finding out what your customers wanted and gathering customer feedback required painstakingly organizing costly focus groups. Now it’s as simple as posting a status or tweet to your customers and letting them voice their opinion.

Social media has the rare benefit of being a 2-way sales channel. Companies and advertisers are no longer just telling their customers about their product and acting as a nameless corporation. You can now have a personality online, you have the ability to converse with your customers, allowing you to build relationships and trust between your company and your customers.

Our team at TMH has the capabilities to generate content, post regularly and reply to your customers on all of your online platforms. Need an account set up, designed and populated? We can handle that too.

We will work with you to ensure that your accounts closely reflect your company’s personality and mission. Be it a more approachable and friendly tone for companies like local shops and client facing industries, or a more professional tone for companies such as accountants and lawyers.